Sustainability Implementation Structure

We strive to improve human health and contribute to a society enriched by smiles.

Inspired by the Taiho Pharmaceutical corporate philosophy, we strive to work with our stakeholders to realize a sustainable society enriched by smiles so that the rhythms of everyday life continue flowing, “Today and Every Day.”
To contribute to the health and future of patients and all people, we work hard to secure sustainable growth and address social issues through our business.

Promoting Sustainability in Five Steps

Taiho Pharmaceutical practices sustainability management in line with the five steps recommended in the SDG Compass,1 a guide for corporate action on the SDGs.

1 GRI, UN Global Compact, SDG Compass (WBCSD)

  • ステップ1:SDGsを理解する→ステップ2:優先課題を決定する→ステップ3:目標を設定する→ステップ4:経営へ統合する→ステップ5:報告をコミュニケーションを行う。ステップ5のあとはステップ2に戻る。
Step 01:Understanding the SDGs → Step 02:Defining priorities → Step 03:Setting goals → Step 04:Integrating → Step 05:Reporting and communicating. Return to Step02 after Step05.

(STEP 1 and STEP 5 are Japanese only)

Sustainability Implementation Structure

In 2021, Taiho Pharmaceutical appointed a director to serve as Sustainability Promotion Leader and established the Sustainability Promotion Committee. This committee, chaired by the executive officer in charge, meets four times a year. The responsible persons in the main and related departments addressing our material issues—social issues Taiho Pharmaceutical is tackling—report to the committee on the progress of goals and KPIs as well as activities, following the PDCA cycle to make continual improvements. Through the committee’s office, Taiho Pharmaceutical shares its group activities with the Otsuka group’s Sustainability Promotion Committee. In addition, within the Otsuka group, various meetings such as committees, working groups, task forces, etc., are regularly held for different areas (environment, procurement, human rights, etc.) of each main operating company. The Otsuka group promotes sustainability throughout the group.

Chart for sustainability implementation structure. Instruction and sharing/promotion order is Sustainability Promotion Leader → Sustainability Promotion Committee (4 times/year) → Each division and area. Reporting order is Each division and area → Sustainability Promotion Committee (4 times/year) → Sustainability Promotion Leader → Board of Directors. Otsuka group’s Sustainability Promotion Committee (once a year) of Otsuka Holdings  shares/promotes and reports to Sustainability Promotion Office, and Sustainability Promotion Office shares information with Otsuka group’s Sustainability Promotion Committee (once a year) of Otsuka Holdings. Between Sustainability Promotion Office and Each division and area, information in each area such as environment, procurement, and human rights is shared.

Signing the United Nations Global Compact

As a total healthcare company conducting business globally under its corporate philosophy of “Otsuka-people creating new products for better health worldwide,” the Otsuka group signed the United Nations Global Compact in 2016. As a member of the Otsuka group, Taiho Pharmaceutical supports and adheres to the ten principles in the four areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption set forth by the Global Compact and is working toward realizing a sustainable society.

List of Policies, Regulations, etc.

Major Initiatives and Organizations in Which We Participate

  • UNGC
  • Women’s Empowerment Principles(WEPs)
  • Science Based Targets(SBT)
  • TCFD
  • RE100

Organizations in Which We Hold Membership

Taiho Pharmaceutical has joined organizations such as the Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association and the Japan Self-Medication Industry to collaborate in developing each industry in which the company operates and solving common issues.